
Showing posts from December, 2020

The Relationship Between Ball Weight and Ball Flight Characteristics

by Jordie Henry, with clutch help from Ilan Joffe Introduction If you are anyone in baseball, you know that much has been observed about ball flight tracking over the last several years in the baseball world. The rise of technology like TrackMan, Hawkeye, and Rapsodo has changed the way pitchers develop for the foreseeable future. Such aspects of tracking ball flight include in-season and live game pitch analysis, training and development-centered pitch design processes, and areas where those concepts might overlap as an athlete monitors their personal progress over time.  The types of questions, analyses, and conclusions that can be drawn from this tech are seemingly endless. For specific examples of how these tools can be utilized, check out previous articles from the blog here , here , and here . In this post, we will look at yet another and possibly stupid example of how this tech and its data can be used. *For sake of specificity and to avoid going off on tangents, the rest of th